Why I can’t live peacefully, calmly and unruffled by changing circumstances? Why do I want to fight change? Why can’t I adapt my thinking, life style and behaviour to changed situations and go forward instead of living in the past with remorse and regret?

Why do I want to be aggressive, bulldoze, browbeat others into submission?Why I can't mind my own business?

Why do I feel jealous of other people’s achievements?
Why I can’t use the God given talents to the best of my ability and carve out a niche for myself?

Why should I not be content with what I have?
Why I am worrying about the future without taking care of the present?

Why I can’t be little more kind, generous, understanding and appreciative of others?
Why I can’t spread happiness where ever I go or in what ever I say or in what ever I do?

Why should I fill my mind with negative thoughts all the time? What prevents me from being positive in my outlook and keep feeding positive thoughts continuously?

Why should I criticize, condemn, cut down others? Who appointed me as a judge of others? Don’t I know when I point out one finger at another person, three fingers are pointing at me? Why can’t I let others live their own life in the way they want?

Well, my friends, I think I have done enough introspection for one post. I hope I won’t have to do this for a long, long time to come.