Monsoon is in full swing and it pours for days together. And yet the sun brightens our lives when the rain takes rest. Here are some photos taken at different places during this season. Click the photos for a larger view.
Sunset over the entrance of the harbour(between Fort Kochi on the left and Vypeen Island on the right). Sunset over the Arabian sea. Sunset over Vypeen Island. Sunset over Bolghaty Island. Sunsets as seen from Kochi marine drive.
When I was in Poona a few months back I stayed with my family in an apartment in a building called Cosmos in Magarpatta City. This is a new township with well maintained roads, excellent security system,neat foot paths, benches to sit,specific places for shops, a lovely garden, excellent waste disposal system and no beggars.
When I took the photo of the main gate I had a problem with the security. You will see a security guard in the photo below. He walked briskly to me and told me to remove the photo. I pretended to remove the photo and told him that the photo has been deleted. He was satisfied and walked back. But I actually did not delete the photo. I live in a congested town in terms of buildings,shops,vehicles and people and people all over the place. In the rainy season the roads get damaged and there are pot holes in all the main roads.The bus drivers and motor cycle riders are reckless and scarcely obey traffic rules. Police will look the other way instead of disciplining the erring drivers.The noise pollution and smoke pollution is quite high. The waste disposal arrangement are not good. The foot paths are not fit for people to walk and it would be better to walk on the road and of course one has to be careful. Public conveniences and bus shelters are few.There is no gap between towns and villages. There are houses and people everywhere. But the city throbs with life. We have a wonderful natural harbor and back waters, lovely parks and music walk ways.many places of tourist interest.We grow pepper, ginger, cardamom and other spices apart from tea in our hilly regions.The entire state remains green all through the year on account of the heavy down pour during the monsoon.
Your post contains a powerful message for successful living. Choices,choices and choices. Yes, we are always confronted with a multiplicity of choices and what we chose ultimately is going to lead us to success or failure.
Many people take the easy way out where no effort or energy is involved, no risk or adventure is involved, no pains or sweat in involved and they find themselves reaching no where. Most of us including me shudder to take the road less traveled and we don't reap the rich rewards such as adventure, thrill, excitement, and a sense of satisfaction or fulfillment of achieving something against all odds. To speak about myself, I never liked to take risks, never like to get out of my comfort zone. Perhaps everything depends of early life when a person who is provided with all comforts by parents and therefore he or she grows up without having the necessity of taking up challenges.
A person who wants to become a great runner can either skip practice and go to movies or get to the stadium to run and run till he is exhausted. The first choice will lead the person to a dream unfulfilled whereas the second choice will help the man succeed.
Well, take the case of Eve. She had a choice to eat or not to eat the forbidden fruit. But she chose to eat the fruit against God's command and brought damnation on her and all of us.
God has given us a common sense to chose and if we exercise it carefully we find favor with God and HE will shower his blessing on us. He also gave us something called conscience and if we follow our conscience most of the time we will make the right choices.
This is a subject on which we all have our own thoughts and opinions. I hope you will share the same generously with me.
I had a window seat in the plane and I sat waiting anxiously for the take off. I always like to watch the land disappearing under me gradually and scenes I will see below me.As the plane took off and went higher and higher I did have a lovely view of the fast vanishing land, buildings,bridges,rivers, trees, hills and mountains and I happily clicked off some photos as a remembrance. Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure. As I watched the plane go higher and higher ABBA's song EAGLE came to my mind. I am reproducing the lyrics. If you want to listen to this wonderful song, you can always get in You tube.
Lyrics of ABBA's song EAGLE.
They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell I love hearing the stories that they tell They've seen places beyond my land and they've found new horizons They speak strangely but I understand And I dream I'm an eagle And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly Over mountains and forests and seas And to go anywhere that I please
As all good friends we talk all night, and we fly wing to wing I have questions and they know everything There's no limit to what I feel, we climb higher and higher Am I dreaming or is it all real? Is it true I'm an eagle? Is it true I can spread my wings?
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky (I'm an eagle) I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly (what a feeling) Over mountains and forests and seas And to go anywhere that I please
And I dream I'm an eagle And I dream I can spread my wings
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky (I'm an eagle) I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly (what a feeling) Over mountains and forests and seas High, high, I'm a bird in the sky (I'm an eagle) I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly (what a feeling) Over mountains and forests and seas And to go anywhere that I please