Democratic countries all over the world give freedom to their citizens to speak their mind, write what they want and paint what they desire, Christianity is a tolerant, understanding, forgiving, compassionate religion based on sacrifice and service and not on aggression and retribution . As a result, atheists find it easy to attack Christianity and in the process, if possible, gain some cheap publicity and make some quick money.
This is a comment written by me on the spur of the moment in JL’s blog REFLECTING ON THE BEACH where he has written an interesting post under the heading EUROPE WITHOUT CHRISTIANITY: A DIRE PROSPECT. Please visit his blog and check out the original post.
Christianity is the beacon light for the world. Others who are jealous of it try to gain some fame by writing against it.
I can think of Marx and Engels who wrote Das Capital. Communism succeed to some extent.But ultimately it gave way to capitalism because there is no survival in this world for Godless communists.
Another instance I can cite is Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. He created a sensation against Christianity and made money and name for himself.
There are innumerable authors who write against Jesus in an attempt to gain worlds attention and in the process make some money.
Christianity has gives us some fundamentally strong values, morals and ethics to live a decent dignified life in this world. It has brought an orderly way of life.It has taught us to live a civilized life and get along with others in harmony and peace. It has ensured progress and development of this world.
If Atheists have their way then murderers, rapists, drug peddlers, smugglers and other evil doers will be accepted as normal people. Any one can do anything and their behavior will be accepted as normal. You can imagine what people can do if they have no fear of God!
Christianity has shown poor people a way to put up and endure their difficult situation in life. It has given them immense solace and peace to cope up with their miserable situation.
In the rich people it has inculcated a sense of charity and compassion for the suffering poor. It has shown them a way to achieve inner peace by doing something good for the poor. It has restrained the rich and powerful from misusing their power and position..
Let all those who want to write against Christianity do so and we get an opportunity to study their evil minds.
Christianity has gone through several vituperative,vehement and vociferous attacks over a period of 2000 years. It has always come out more brighter, more vigorous, more resilient, more glittering and more shining in all its glory and splendor.
It has shown human beings a way to live a beautiful and an orderly life, realize one's full potential in this world and look forward to eternal bliss with the Creator in the next life.