Christmas is a wonderful time in Kochi.There is a large Christian population here.Joy and happiness fills the air.Shops and establishments are dressed up to welcome Christmas season.The numerous churches in Kochi will be adorned with colorful lights and cribs.Houses have started displaying stars and other decorations.Soon the town will be filled with celebrations and the magic of Christmas will catch up on other religious communities too. Here are some photos for you to enjoy.Best wishes.
My nephew, Dileep George married Renjitha on 24th November in St.Mary's Chruch, Thuruthy in Kottayam District. Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure. ENJOY. A SECTION OF THE CHURCH IN WHICH THEY MARRIED THE WEDDING CEREMONY IN PROGRESS AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE CHURCH LIGHTING THE TRADITIONAL LAMP CUTTING THE CAKE WITH DILEEP AND RENJITHA
Our countries have developed by leaps and bounds. We can see lovely, stylish cars on the roads, high rise, posh buildings every where, fashionable, trendy shops and malls, supermarkets and hypermarkets at convenient places, people dressed in expensive, branded clothes, wonderful food joints with unimaginable delicacies, latest electronic gadgets at home, people busily speaking on mobile phones every where and so on. There seems to be no dearth of money with the public at large.
But take a look at the people in the following photos. Progress and prosperity has not touched their lives. They are struggling to make a livelihood and desperately trying to keep their body and souls together. What is the use of all the development and progress if millions of people like this still have to live in perpetual penury and poverty? Many die of wars, heart disease, terrorism, leaks from nuclear plants, starvation, malnutrition,air,water and noise pollution. I am sure there is some answer to all these man made calamities.
My niece,Shirley, was engaged to Kamaldeep on 7th November in Chennai. I could not attend this function on account of my health problem. These photos were taken by my nephew Dileep George and his brother in law. I am posting them for your visual pleasure.
Our church celebrated Onam festival in advance although the real festival is still few more days away. This is because during festival there will be long holidays and many parishners will go to their native places to celebrate the festival with their families. Here are a few photos for your visual pleasure.ENJOY
A little girl dressed as king mahabali Another little girl dressed as king mahabali Pulikali(tiger hunting) in progress Pulikali(Tiger hunting) team. People waiting to see the tug of war A tug of war in progress Flower arrangement