Time plays a great role depending on the age of a person. I will definitely not like a youngster to waste time. When a person is young and embarking on a career, time is very important. Time is precious. For such persons there is a saying DON'T KILL TIME, TIME WILL KILL YOU.
Youngsters who squander away their time without proper planning will end up being failures in life. Any achievement is the result of proper utilization of time. There is also a saying TIME AND TIDE WAITS FOR NO BODY. Let it be the king and queen, president and prime minister or a beggar on the road – all have only 24 hours in a day. No more no less. How effectively this given time is used will go a long way in determining the success or failure of a person.

At our age when we have accomplished many things in life and can look with some satisfaction upon the fact that we have done fairly well, fulfilled our duties and responsibilities we are entitled to take it easy and enjoy our life without worrying about wasting time. At this age even if we idle away our time doing nothing but staring vacantly or recalling the past incidents in our life which gave us joy or sadness is well spent and we need not regret or feel guilty about it.
The fact still remains TIME WILL ULTIMATELY CATCH UP WITH US. WE CANNOT ESCAPE TIME.TIME IS DEADLY. After all THE TIME THAT WE HAVE IN THIS WORLD IS LIMITED. We have to make the best use of it in living a satisfied and fulfilled life without any regrets or remorse.

Rama is a widely traveled person, a gifted writer, aerobics instructor and a reiki master.Please visit her blog by clicking HERE
Rama has honored me with this beautiful award.

My hearty congratulations to all the awardees and I request them to post the award in their blog and pass it on to as many of their friends as possible.