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new year
new year

Friday, November 27, 2015


After the American soldiers left Iraq, there was a vacuum to contain the terrorists and as a result ISIS began to thrive and grow in menacing proportions and started unspeakable atrocities on the people. The world powers just looked on with horror but did nothing to stop the barbarians because they thought they were safe and the savagery was only limited to Iraq.

The mass murders of innocent men, women and children and large scale destruction of property and          ancient land marks only attracted condemnation but no concrete action to destroy the terrorists. 

Soon ISIS forced  themselves  into the war torn Syria and continued their inhuman atrocities. Then the super powers like US, France woke up from their slumber and started bombing ISIS positions but did not commit their ground forces. Saudi Arabia also started bombing ISIS in Syrian and Iraq. There was no stopping the ISIS and they soon started recruiting terrorists from all over the world. Russia also joined the bombing of ISIS with the purpose of supporting the Assad regime in Syria.

Refugees started moving out of Syria and Iraq on a massive scale to many European countries and ISIS terrorists managed to disguise themselves as refugees and entered many countries with the sole purpose of killing innocent civilians and thereby terrorizing the people all over the world. Besides they started recruiting terrorists from many countries to kill their own people.

The homegrown terrorists with the help of ISIS started their merciless attacks and the most horrible one was the Paris attack in which   numerous  Parisians were killed and seriously injured.

In the meanwhile, Turkey which an ally of Russia in bombing ISIS terrorists knowingly or unknowingly shot down two Russian jets. Russia became furious and termed the act as a stab in the back and threatened Turkey with serious consequences. US  and NATO sided with Turkey and justified the shooting down of Russian jets.

If Russia decides to bomb Turkey then US and NATO may take the side of Turkey and many other countries will support Russia. 

This will surely escalate into a Third World War. 

Many countries have nuclear weapons and the consequences will be of dreadful proportions in terms of loss of life and devastating destruction of large areas of the world.

What do you think?


  1. I think we’re doomed, whether militarily or environmentally.

    “After the American soldiers left Iraq”

    For what it’s worth, the US Army troops are called soldiers, whereas the US Marines (who did so much of the fighting in the Middle East) are simply called Marines.

  2. You have asked one big question here. I live in the United States and I realize that my views are colored by that fact. I would like to address several of your thoughts.
    When the World Trade Center buildings were attacked I immediately called my sister and told her that someone had just declared war on us. It was soon determined that Al Qaeda under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden were the culprits. How did Iraq enter the picture?! Our government decided that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Iraq said, "Prove it." Well we knew they had them... we gave them to them. But suddenly our war was against Iraq. Al Qaeda was all but forgotten as well as the troops we had sent to Afghanistan. We were not as smart as we should have been when we left Iraq. At the same time we should not have to place our troops in every country of the world. Why can Iraq not police themselves?
    I breaks my heart to see the destruction of ancient constructs. The beauty that our children will only see in pictures is irreplaceable. But again the US cannot place security forces to protect each and every one of them. The innocents who are in danger catch my heart. They are the ones who suffer most.
    The people who are being blamed for not protecting the people of the counties you name are willing to help. But the people and governments of the countries have to be the ones who lead. It sounds harsh but if you are not willing to defend yourselves you cannot expect others to do it for you. Then ask for help. We are here.
    I feel great sympathy for the people fleeing their home countries looking for safety. At the same time when my government wants to bring thousands of them here and take care of them I have mixed feelings. There are people living in poverty in areas of the US. Many of these children go to bed hungry at night. Many do not go to school. Many do not have adequate health care. It is a disgrace for our country to allow this to happen but it does. Just like most countries of the world. We need to see to the needs of our people before we take on the needs of more.
    This whole comment sounds unfeeling to me. I hate that the world is in such chaos and that people are suffering. But one or two or three countries cannot and should not be responsible for all of them. I would much prefer to help people to be able to help themselves.
    As far as a third world war I just do not know. We seem to be heading in that direction. It is not a certainty yet. I am hoping for a good outcome. Imagine all the people living life in peace.

  3. Things just seem to get from bad to worse. The world's situation is very depressing. I am not able to contribute because the situation is too complicated for me.

  4. Joseph this is very scary, thanks for the summary of what is going on.

  5. It's sad and frightening what is happening in the world today. The possibility of another world war is always out there, but I pray that cooler heads will prevail.

  6. Taking a lesson from nature, the animals know when to flee an erupting volcano or a storm, just as the elite and heads of government of most countries are now building their bunkers. It seems to be going according to plan as they will sit underground with their organic gardens while the over-population is being destroyed. Is it imminent? I feel it's very close but Russia needs a little more time. How about 4 or 5 years yet? In the mean time, it's a stand-off with weapons pointing at everyone in all directions.

  7. The situation makes me thankful that I'm at the end of life rather than the beginning. I think I can be excused for putting my head under the blanket!

  8. I'd like to think/hope that everyone learned the last time that World Wars really aren't worth it.

  9. I very much hope we are not heading to a world war. There's so much conflict in the world right now. I want it to improve, but it's a very big situation that I'm not sure what the solution is...

  10. We've had a parabolic increase in the human population and 99% of all parabolic increases end the same way, collapse. in the meantime i'll enjoy the comforts of the 21st century and be thankful for my good fortune.

  11. It just hasn't been official..

  12. It all looks like things are getting very bad, but we can hope things get resolved in the best way possible.

  13. I think we're already in a third world war. ISIS is the violence and the extreme. What we don't see is the spread of others in the hopes of dominating through religion.
    It's only going to get worse before it gets better.

  14. I do pray that there would not be another war. Let's not give in to what the enemy wants.

  15. It was good to get your comment on my blog Joseph. Thanks. As to your question ... I think that Bush and Chaney were completely wrong to have anything to do with Iraq after 9/11.
    Due to the technology available today we have become a much smaller world and if we don't find a way to co-exist I think we will surely have a third world war and it will be the end of civilization as we know it. Power and greed seem to be the Gods that are sought ...rather than love. I hate it.

  16. Will we ever learn????

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting ~

    Wishing you the magic and love of the season, xox
    artmusedog and carol

  17. I don't Russia is going to bomb Turkey. At least, I surely hope not.

  18. I don't think Russia is going to bomb Turkey. But I think, given the history of the world, there will eventually be a World War III. I just hope I'm not around to see it!

  19. ISIS will not become the reason for third world war.
    and using money power russia will take its revenge against turkey

  20. I can only hope and pray that this will never happen.... I still go for peace on earth.

  21. at the moment i don't believe there'll be wwiii. i think we just aren't in the same place as nations as we were, say, 50 years ago or when wwi or wwi begun and one nation declaring war on another led to more and more countries getting involved and forming allies. now there's simply on-going conflicts all over the world (that i don't see coming to an end any time soon) and i'd say there isn't a conflict that would get enough participants positively involved to make it the third world war. although, wouldn't it be nice if there was peace?

  22. Either third world war or something else, all I know is that we are currently at war. The World is at war. Both the developing and developed nations are having in big time their portion of the unrest.

    We hardly sleep and have our eyes closed in this part of the World and so also in the developed nations.

    A war which most of the most powerful countries are actively involved.
    Then who said we are not in world war already?
